Michael Deak - Cellar Dweller (Retrospective Interview)

In 1988’s Cellar Dweller, Whitney Taylor (Deborah Farentino) arrives at the Throckmorton Institute for the Arts to pursue her love of horror comics, and create new work influenced by her favorite comic book artist Colin Childress (Jeffrey Combs). Childress’ legacy for creating “Cellar Dweller” was marred by a horrifying incident, when Childress summoned a demon from an ancient book and it manifested itself through Childress’s comic art - killing a local girl. Now, Whitney is set to carry on where Childress left off, creating more “Cellar Dweller” comics. But she soon comes up against snooty head of the institute Mrs Briggs (Yvonne DeCarlo), and unwittingly summons the demonic beast who proceeds to wreak havoc and devour her classmates as the mystery surrounding their disappearances unfolds.

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Sweet Sixteen (Review)

Through the 80’s there were several horror movies playing off of the “holiday” or the celebration card that had started in the 70’s. Every year there would be several movies that had titles that had to do with either a certain day; holiday or a celebration was a part of the title and or the story. So the year 1983 was no exception, even the 3D gimmick was happening, but one movie that was different in some ways was the movie called Sweet Sixteen.

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