New Book, 'Be More Yoda,' Guides Fans to Jedi Enlightenment

  The beloved little green critter, as mighty as he is wise, has been an inspiration for fans for decades, since his initial appearance in 1980's Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back when he began training the young Luke Skywalker. Now, as announces, Yoda wisdom will be imparted on all of us in the new book, published by DK, Be More Yoda

  The author, Christian Blauvelt, provided fans with five tips on becoming more like Yoda in our personal lives, which we now share with you:

  1. Free your mind from distractions: "You don’t need the Force to meditate on what you’re feeling, how you’d like to feel and what you need to do in order to achieve that."
  2. Live in the present: "If you have a goal for the future, think about how you can work toward making it a reality today, even if it’s just a baby step."
  3. Believe in your abilities: "Visualize your successes, then visualize what you need to do in order to make them happen, and then turn that visualization into action in the here and now."
  4. Celebrate the power of play: "Younglings use play as way of learning new things and better understanding the world around them — putting yourself back into a child’s perspective can help you grow too."
  5. Don't be afraid to fail: "The key is to figure out how to learn from that setback — wisdom isn’t always gained from winning."
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Article by: Mohammad "Grand Master" Ziad

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