Age of Rebellion: Princess Leia (Comic Review)
Princess Leia is a woman on a mission. To succeed on her quest she'll have to become one with her inner scoundrel.
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia
This issue picks up with Leia and Chewie aboard the Falcon as Leia is gearing up for a mission. They received word that Lando is in grave danger of being captured or killed on the planet Evaan. They go to rescue him as Leia dons her Boushh disguise.
She meets up with Lando and upon rescuing him stays in character long enough to see if she could fool Lando into thinking her the bounty hunter. As they race back the Falcon they find out that Bossk has taken Chewbacca captive as Jabba has a large bounty on the wookie.
Leia makes a gambit that she will pass for Boushh enough to get intel out of Bossk as to what he plans to do with Chewbacca. She godes Bossk and his goons into trying to ambush her as she seemingly executes Lando and reclaims Chewie. She tells Lando that had it come to it she would have killed Lando if that's what it took to get Han back. Lando says he can't tell if she joking or not as he tells her that she's got some scoundrel in her.
This first issue of Age of Rebellion is a brisk and fun romp where we get to see Leia in her element as a crafty and clever leader. We get to see her grit as well as her lingering resentment for Lando. It's no secret that saying ado to Jody Houser was not fun for me but I am already enjoying Greg Pak as head writer for this series! I give Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia a 4 out of 5 stars.